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School of Business Administration — Featured Stories — The Path to the Future for New Generation Finance Students
The Path to the Future for New Generation Finance Students

Challenges and uncertainties in the world of finance and investment make continuous self-development and seizing learning opportunities essential. This is evident in business administration students specializing in finance, who demonstrate commitment and effort in pursuing their own paths to success.

Gun-Guntee Kaitwaree, a student who passed the IC License in the General Investment Consultant (P1) course and was 1 of 100 people nationwide selected to join the New Breed Capital Market Financial Professionals 2024 program in the Financial Professionals @ Listed Company Camp Track, organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. He also received an honorable mention award and an AISA exam scholarship from participating in the program.

Sharing Experiences from the Finance Camp
"Taking yourself to new opportunities and gaining experiences outside the classroom helps me understand and prepare for the real working world. Participating in activities outside the university taught me things very different from what I learned within the university. Everything we thought about was based on reality, not just imagination. Some things we dreamed of doing have many limitations in the working world that we didn't understand. I was very fortunate to learn from seniors and friends in this camp, as well as from experienced expert committees who came to share their knowledges."
Techniques for Always Being Prepared
"For me, time management and study planning are crucial. I allocate time after classes to plan my reading, starting with subjects I'm not good at to spend more time on those lessons. I usually study at the library, which is a great source of new and useful books."

Besides Gun, there are Ryu-Napat Puangchan and Dino-Keetawasan Phengsawang, two Finance students who passed all courses of the Investment Consultant (IC License), including General Investment Consultant (P1), Complex Instruments, Debt Securities and Mutual Funds (P2), and Complex Instruments and Derivatives (P3). Both of him shared tips on how to prepare and pass the exam in one attempt: "Aside from classroom knowledge, self-study and researching additional information from various sources such as the internet, books, or online media are also very important. Additionally, tackling past exam questions and practice problems is a great way to prepare."

Challenges in the Finance Career
"The path in finance often encounters challenges and unpredictable situations. Dealing with new challenges, creating hypothetical models, and making them a reality is the fun part of a finance career."

The Importance of the IC License
The IC License is not just proof of knowledge but also a key that opens doors to opportunities in the finance industry. "The IC License is an important certification for those interested in finance careers. The sooner you pass the IC License exam, the more opportunities you'll have to work in finance. Those interested can apply for the exam while still in university, regardless of their faculty or major. If you want to work in finance, you can apply for the exam."
This success not only demonstrates their knowledge and abilities but also opens doors to future career opportunities. It also inspires their peers to see that with determination, good planning, and continuous effort, all dreams can come true.