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Featured Stories — Comic Fest. Unleash the Power of Imagination through Learning into the Wonderful World of Comics
Comic Fest. Unleash the Power of Imagination through Learning into the Wonderful World of Comics

The Office of Library and Learning Spaces, in collaboration with the Thailand Creative & Design Center (TCDC), organizes the Comic Fest event to create experiences and concepts from comics, fostering a reading society and exchanging stories through students' favorite comics.

On September 23, 2024, the event features a line drawing activity to showcase talent and discover one's identity, opening doors to the world of manga with world-class artist Mr. Adisak Das Pongsumpun, creator of "Before Becoming the Buddha" and winner of the Bronze Award at The Japan International MANGA Award 2023. He will share knowledge, ideas, and demonstrate storytelling through actual artwork and line drawings.

From September 24-27, 2024, the event will feature Workshop Live Drawing Sessions, where students from the Faculty of Fine Arts will teach comic drawing through an application. Additionally, the event will showcase Show & Play, featuring Character Design and Animation projects by students from the Faculty of Digital Media and Cinematic Arts. Attendees will also get the chance to try out demo games created by students from the Faculty of Information Technology and Innovation.

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