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Featured Stories — BU X British Council to Advance Global Communication Standards
BU X British Council to Advance Global Communication Standards

Bangkok University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the British Council to develop academic excellence and promote global communication skills for Bangkok University students. The honor of signing this cooperation agreement went to Asst. Prof.Sansern Milindasuta, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Mr. Gareth Newman, Market Development Lead Asia Pacific, British Council. The signing was witnessed by Asst. Prof.
Dr.Somyot Wattanakamolchai, Vice President for International Affairs,
Dr. Somjai Siritrakankij, Associate Dean, Bangkok University International Programs, Asst. Prof.Yanan Kongjaroen, Chairperson, Business English Program, and A. Neil Saville, Instructor of Language Institute along with Bangkok University International students.

This collaboration focuses on laying the foundation for future professional growth of learners, enhancing educational innovation to develop learning and English communication skills in business contexts, cultivating global communication competencies, and opening new opportunities for Bangkok University students. The goal is to upscale the competitiveness of BU students to succeed in their future careers across international borders.

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