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Featured Stories — BUCI & IB China Partner with Leading Taiwanese Companies to Explore the Business World of the Future.
BUCI & IB China Partner with Leading Taiwanese Companies to Explore the Business World of the Future.

The Bangkok University Chinese International and School of Business Administration, International Business Management Program (Chinese Business) with a Focus on China, in collaboration with Orimos Education Co., Ltd. and 8 leading companies from Taiwan, organized the event "Cross-border Business Synergy: Bridging the Market Gaps." This event provided students with real-world learning experiences by presenting actual business challenges from each participating company. The companies shared products and services for students to analyze, develop marketing strategies, and solve real business problems firsthand.

Additionally, the event was honored by Dr. Brinda Jangkhajornsak, President of the Taiwan Association of Thailand, who gave a special lecture on "Sustainable Entrepreneurship", discussing approaches to building sustainable businesses amidst global social and economic changes. The event also featured presentations from experts in various fields, covering concepts and strategies in international business operations, market expansion approaches, targeting new customer segments, and in-depth analysis of consumer behavior. Students also had the opportunity to practice Chinese and English language skills, teamwork, and collaboration with external companies to develop business situation analysis skills before entering the workforce.

List of participating companies and their training challenges:
- Daintiest: A premium cheese manufacturer using only high-quality milk. Students were tasked with developing marketing strategies to expand the premium cheese market in Asia.
- QSearch: An AI-powered social media analytics platform from Taiwan. Students analyzed KOL data and social trends to develop digital marketing strategies aligned with current consumer behaviors.
- AviviD.ai: Experts in AI-driven Omnichannel marketing. Students were challenged to plan integrated marketing strategies across all sales channels to create a cohesive customer experience.
- Chatisfy: A company developing Chatbot solutions for customer relationship management. Students' task was to design Chatbots to enhance customer satisfaction through quick and precise responses.
- Rica Taiwan: An organic hair and body care brand, collaborating with Italian products. Students developed international marketing plans to expand in the Asian market and analyzed ways to differentiate products in a highly competitive market.
- Grafton: A company specializing in formaldehyde solutions for the construction industry. Students researched environmental problem-solving methods in the industry and developed sustainability-focused marketing strategies.
- Voicetube: An AI-powered English learning platform. Students brainstormed ways to expand the user base in ASEAN countries and developed approaches to promote AI-driven learning that creates new experiences for users learning English.
- ThaiWan (CircleLink): An international marketing consulting company. Students' challenge was to plan effective strategies for Taiwanese companies entering foreign markets.

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