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Featured Stories — BUGRAD Orientation Welcomes New Graduate Students 2024
BUGRAD Orientation Welcomes New Graduate Students 2024

BUGRAD organized an orientation for new students of the academic year 2024 to prepare them for confident entry into graduate studies with clear goals.Asst. Prof.Dr.Aunya Singsangob, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Assoc. Prof.Dr.Supachet Chansarn, Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs, welcomed both Thai and international students.

Additionally, Asst. Prof.Dr.Sasiprapa Phanthanasaewee, Dean, Graduate School, explained the direction, teaching and learning methods, various services of the Graduate School, and university facilities. Dr.Supat Rattanasuksun, Director, International Center, gave a lecture on services for international students to prepare new students for their academic journey and campus life.

Another highlight of the event was a session featuring successful alumni and senior students sharing their experiences under the topic "Pathways to Excellence: Insights from Graduates Leading the Way." This helped inspire and provide crucial information for students embarking on their graduate studies and future career growth. The event also included "Harmony Hour: Unity & Connection Kickoff," focusing on building relationships among new students, fostering familiarity with classmates, and establishing good connections from the start of their studies.

The orientation also provided an opportunity for new students to meet program directors and faculty members, with introductions to teaching methods and a Q&A session to fully prepare for graduate studies. This marked an important beginning in building relationships and understanding between new students, faculty, and university staff, helping guide all students confidently into their higher education journey. The event was held at Impact Forum, Muang Thong Thani.

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