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School of Humanities and Tourism Management — Featured Stories — BUHTM Prepares to Establish a Thai Culinary Skills Standard Testing Center
BUHTM Prepares to Establish a Thai Culinary Skills Standard Testing Center
School of Humanities and Tourism Management welcomed an assessment team from the Labor Skills Development Institute 14 Pathum Thani, Department of Skill Development, Ministry of Labor. The purpose of their visit was to inspect the facility's readiness for establishing the "Bangkok University Labor Skills Standard Testing Center" in the Tourism, Sports, and Exhibition Services sector, specifically for Thai Culinary Professionals at Level 1.

The assessment was led by Mr. Phongphan Netmanee, Director of the Labor Skills Standards and Competency Certification Division, accompanied by experts from the Department of Skill Development.

The testing center aims to promote Thai culinary skills for students and the general public, ensuring their potential aligns with the needs of the service and tourism industries. The center will elevate Thai labor skills to international standards, in line with Bangkok University's vision of Practical Learning approach, designed to prepare learners for the global job market.