1. Only Thai Nationals are eligible to apply. Currently studying M.6 or completed a High School Diploma or Equivalent or Vocational Certificate
2. Maintain cumulative GPA of 5 semesters of 2.50 or higher, GED with a minimum of 620 points, with a minimum passing score of 155 of each of 4 different subjects
3. The applicant must have outstanding achievements in community, social, and environmental initiatives that reflect the identity of the School/Program of interest, as well as the identity of the University.
The Scholarship Student is exempt from paying tuition, but is required to pay a semester fee and other fees.
Eligible Programs for Scholarship
All Thai and International programs
Application Documents
1. A copy of high school transcript from the basic education core curriculum M.6 (Grade 12) for all five semesters or a copy of GED certificate as per the eligibility criteria for applicants.
2. A Letter of recommendation
3. A copy of National Identification Card
4. Copy of evidence for any name or surname changes (if applicable)
5. A Portfolio (The portfolio must be in PDF format and does not exceed 10 pages.)
A List of Portfolio Information to Include
1. Personal Information and reason for your interest in the scholarship
2. Details/proof of outstanding achievements in community, social, and environmental initiatives recognized by a provincial, national, or international organization (attach the record of receiving the award, such as certificates or photographs of the trophy)
3. Details/proof of participation in community, social, and environmental projects relevant to the program you apply for
Applications will be accepted exclusively through the online system
Application Period: From November 1st, 2024 - March 7th, 2025
Announcement of Interview Eligibility: March 19th, 2025
Interviews: March 26th - April 4th, 2025
Announcement of Interview Results: April 18th, 2025
Registration: April 20th, 2025