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School of Humanities and Tourism Management — Featured Stories — BUHTM Set up Special Event "Proposal Presentation"
BUHTM Set up Special Event "Proposal Presentation"

Tourism Management Program, School of Humanities and Tourism Management (BUHTM) is hosting a Special Event "Proposal Presentation: Try Being an Organizer" with honored guests from the Domestic Tourism Business Association (DTBA). Led by K. Preeyachat Thongkam, Operation and Event Manager from Roongroj Tour Travel Center Co., Ltd., and K. Piroonthon Benjapornrangsikul, Chief Executive Officer from The Dreamer Digital Group Co., Ltd., who will evaluate, provide activity management advice, offer knowledge about special event management targeting the right audience, and share experiences with 3rd-year students in the TM421: Special Event Management course.

This event is overseen by Ajarn Paskrich Sutthiwetin, Ajarn Atchara Srilachai and Ajarn Pongsavake Anekjumnongporn, Instructor of the Tourism Management Program, School of Humanities and Tourism Management.