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Bangkok University International — Featured Stories — 3 Advantages of the Practice-based Learning Method for BBA Program
The BBA International Program at Bangkok University is distinguished by project-based learning. Beginning in the first year, each student is assigned hands-on work. Each student will work for a university-established business unit, where they are assigned to the chosen track. Studying with this learning method has several advantages, including the following:
Find Out Their True Aptitudes and Preferences

Because studying and working in reality may have a completely distinct perspective. The BBA International program's project-based learning will allow us to apply the knowledge we've learned in class to our careers. We are going to discover ourselves, identify our talents, and focus on our weaknesses, including understanding ourselves to determine our true interests and aptitudes. If the track we choose is not our preference or aptitude, the university also allows us to choose different tracks in Year 2.
Gain Actual Work Experience

People with prior work experience will have an advantage when applying for and interviewing for jobs. Studying with hands-on work allows them to acquire professional experience and include achievements from real-world projects in their portfolio. As a result, it offers us an advantage when we apply for jobs.
Gain Teamwork Experience and Problem-solving Skills

Having the ability to collaborate with others is one of the characteristics of successful individuals at work. Project-based learning allows students to collaborate with other students from other tracks. Each student works based on their position of assignment, constituting a company framework. Studying in this way allows us to learn and adapt to working with others, laying the foundations for jobs in the future.